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From SeptemWiki
Documentation for Template:Ambox[view] [edit] [history]

This template is a simplified version of Wikipedia's message box template.

Several different types are available in the Wikipedia version. We've implemented the ones which make sense for us.

{{ambox|type=delete|text=Articles to be deleted.}}
{{ambox|type=content|text=Comments about the content of an article.}}
{{ambox|type=style|text=Comments about the style of an article.}}
{{ambox|type=notice|text=General notices.}}
{{ambox|type=move|text=Move/rename and split/merge proposals.}}
{{ambox|type=protection|text=Notices about articles being protected.}}

You can make a small message box off to the left, with smaller icon, by adding small=left to the parameters.

{{ambox|type=notice|small=left|text=This is a small notice message.}}

You can include an image of your choice by giving the image tag as you would in an article. Note that you must specify the pixel size of the image, whether you then use the small=left parameter or not.

{{ambox|type=style|small=left|image=[[File:Flag of Triparia.png|20px|alt="Flag of Triparia"]]|text=This is a small style message (yellow bar) involving Triparia.}}

If you include a cat=... parameter, the box will add the page to the named category.

{{ambox|type=notice|small=left|text=This is a small notice message.|cat=Articles with small notice messages}}

Pages that use this Template
Templates that use this Template