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Documentation for Template:Para[view] [edit] [history]

This template was copied from Wikipedia for use in template documentation.

This template is for giving examples of template parameter source code (useful in template documentation and talk page discussions of template code). It must have one or two parameters itself. The first is the name of the example parameter to display (this may be empty, but it must be present), and the second (optional) one is a value for the first example parameter, or (if the first {{para}} parameter is empty) an unnamed example parameter.


Code Result Notes
{{para|name}} |name=
{{para|title|<var>book title</var>}} |title=book title
{{para|2=<span style="font-size:1pt;"> </span>|3=section}} |section For unnamed parameters; note empty first parameter in the code
{{para|<var>parameter</var>|<var>value</var>}} |parameter=value

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