
Septempontia has a culture that has evolved and grown over the years, forged from the cultures of its component states, and in turn from the unique and talented people who comprise its citizenry.

The roads and waterways of the Empire are, in many ways, at the heart of its culture, as the very name Septempontia suggests: one of the titles of the Emperor is "Lord of the Rivers and Bridges", and the capital city, Pittsburgh, is reputed to have more bridges (446, by one count) than any comparable city in the world.

Similarly, the route and history of the Pennsylvania Turnpike are central to the national character. The first long-distance expressway built in North America, the Turnpike has served the lands which are part of Septempontia since 1940. Its original seven tunnels are a rich source of lore and symbolism, and the three which have since been decommissioned are known as the Lost Tunnels. Two of these, Ray's Hill and Sideling Hill, as well as the thirteen-mile stretch of abandoned highway that runs through them, together form the most important of the Empire's historic monuments and are a key site of both pilgrimage and recreation for Septempontians.

There are as many approaches to Septempontian national life as there are people in the Empire. We tend, on the whole, to enjoy board games, and many of the Empire's leading figures host or organize frequent game nights. Pickup games of backyard cricket have long been a popular form of recreation. Many Septempontians are amateur historians and genealogists, and visits to historic sites around the lands of the Empire are common.

The arts, too, in many forms and media, are richly represented. Both amateurs and creative professionals figure in the ranks of Septempontian citizens, and the Imperial and state governments promote the creation of art, both within the Empire and in the world at large. The Principality of Grønbjerg recognizes Grønbjerg residents who have made particularly notable artistic contributions with the title of Artist Laureate.