Lawrence County
(Redirected from New Castle)
Lawrence County is the northwesternmost county of Triparia. In the Peerage of Septempontia, it is known as Westgate because of the highways (notably the Turnpike) which leave the Empire through it.
Notable Places
- The macronational county seat is New Castle, notable in Imperial history as being briefly the residence of Shawn as Triselene Emperor in 2001.
- The Turnpike ends at the Ohio border in North Beaver Township.
- The tiny community of West Pittsburg (spelled without the H due to the unpopular decision of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, which was overturned for Pittsburgh) is the site of a railyard and an old train station from days when it was under consideration as a major railway hub, further cementing Lawrence County's role as a gateway to the west.