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Triparic-English Dictionary

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Revision as of 05:04, 19 March 2025 by Shawn (talk | contribs)

This is a sortable Triparic-English/English-Triparic dictionary.

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Triparic English
acer acre
acta eight
actenty eighty
actzän eighteen
affirmaxe affirmative, confirming
affirmen affirm, confirm, agree
äg own, one's own
ägen own, rightfully possess
agent agent
ah A (letter)
äker sick
äkergard nurse
äkernes sickness, illness
äl ale (beer)
albän white (poetic)
alcohol alcohol
alcoholic alcoholic
ålf elf, fairy, sprite
ålfring fairy ring
alle all
allenfõ inning(s)
alles everything
alöda lark, skylark
als as (in the capacity or role of)
alta high
Alta Lord (God)
altapiscop archbishop
alva some
alvann sometime
alvei someone
alvi somehow
alvid something
alvo somewhere
amben walk
ambrosia ambrosia; elixir of life
an at
ãnçivilan non-citizen resident
ander other
andervi otherwise
andervo elsewhere
angs horror, terror
angsvol awful, terrible, horrible
anplåx instead, instead of
ãnposseble impossible
änstap principle
prin before (earlier time)
antlõk preference, inclination
antlõken prefer
appel apple
appeljåk applejack, distilled apple liquor
appelwän apple cider (fermented)
approben approve
aqua water
arber tree
ard earth, the world
arg bad
argäd silver (poetic)
arm weapon
arresten arrest
asençiãn ascension
asenden ascend, go up, rise
attingen reach, strive, attain
avend evening
avril April
axepten accept
azur blue
æ yes (interjection/ answer)
æliäd green (poetic)
æn one; indefinite article
ænander each other, one another
ænfõ once
æsch Æ (letter)
by (the agent or doer)
baken bake
bäl bail (cricket)
bären give birth to
baron baron (of whatever gender)
basch down
bäsch base, foundation
batata potato
beh B (letter)
beltän Beltaine, May Day
ben well
benfär benefit
berg mountain
besser better
biblo book
bis until
bon good (morally)
bonum the good
bourbon bourbon whiskey
böz alcoholic drink
bözen drink socially, get "boozed up"
bözic drunk (of persons); strong, boozy (of drinks)
brancard stretcher
brancardist paramedic, ambulance worker, field medic
branden to burn
brandwän brandy, liquor distilled from wine
breve breve; superscripted diacritical mark shaped like the lower half of a circle
bringen bring
brod bread
brök need
bröken need
brõden embroider
bruder brother
brun brown
buið yellow (poetic)
cad fall
caden fall
calza shoe
cän dog
cançellär chancellor
cant song
canten sing
capitan captain (military ranks)
caporal corporal (military rank)
carnäd red (poetic)
çedil cedilla
çel sky; heaven (metaphoric)
çentimeter centimeter
çerta sure; certain
çervesch beer
char even (adverbial intensifier/contraster)
chava each, every
chavei everyone
chavo everywhere
cheh C (letter)
chenta hundred
chö lunch
chocolad chocolate
çider cider; beverage of fermented fruit other than grapes
çircol circle, round shape
çircolic circular, circle-shaped
çivil public or civilian, governmental; non-military
çivilan citizen
çivilanschaf citizenship
collej college
colp blame
colpen blame
començãj beginning
començen begin
comin common
confolgent consequent; consequence
conque rather than
conserven preserve, conserve
constituen constitute
constitutiãn constitution
continen continue
contra against
convenen meet (usually intentionally), come together
conventiãn meeting, convention
cor heart (organ); heart (spiritual/emotional center)
coronel colonel
cors course, pathway, itinerary
corsgard coursekeeper, groundskeeper (sports)
Corvinia Corvinia
corvinic Corvinian (adj.)
createn create
creatiãn creation
crend fear
crenden fear, be afraid of
crender coward
cret clay
cretin brick; (metaphorically) idiot, fool
cricket cricket (sport)
crid creed, belief
criden believe
crõz cross
crõzen cross, go across
cultur culture
curt short
dag day
dagic daily
daglät daylight
daglic daily
dann then
dæmon demon
deca ten
deçevry December
deçiden decide
defendaxe defensive
defenden defend
defens defense
deh D (letter)
dent tooth
der the (singular)
descriven describe
deven have to, must
dex right (opposite of left)
dialog dialogue
dio god
dir there
dirgen direct, steer
disc disc
dix speech
dixen speak
dizir desire
diziren want, want to
doc yet, nevertheless
doldãj patience, endurance
dolden endure, bear
donen give
dorf village
dormen sleep
dors back
dråd dread, anticipation with fear
dråden dread, anticipatory fear
dräg danger, peril, risk, threat
drägen threaten
drägvol dangerous, risky
dram shot (of alcohol)
drama drama
dri three
drienty thirty
drizän thirteen
drõt right, freedom
duc duke (of whatever gender)
ducen lead
dum while, during
dunnäd orange, brown, tan (poetic)
durc through (spatial, not by means of)
düssemen scatter, disperse
duväd black (poetic)
dwa two
dwafeld double
dwarenty twenty
dwaster second, deputy
dwelf twelve
ðenk thought (individual thought), idea, concept
ðenken think
ðö you (singular), thou
eblic maybe, possibly
edifien build, construct
eh E (letter)
ei he, she, they; epicene 3rd person singular pronoun
el she
el-posch e-mail
electen elect
electer elector
electiãn election
electronic electronic
elven eleven
en in
encrõz across
eng they
enlang along
enrönd around
enter among, between
envaden enter
enzuvidãj scrutiny, oversight, supervision, investigation
enzuviden scrutinize, oversee, look into
equester knight/dame
er he
erschøpen draw the last of, drain, exhaust, use up
estat situation
exten exist
extenãj existence
façil easy
falsch wrong, usually intentionally or deceptively
fären make
fasc axe
fäþ faith (belief, confidence)
fäþvol faithful (believing, confident)
feçivilanen naturalize
fehælicen make holy, hallow
fekønigen make king, coronate
fem woman
fer iron
feric iron
fevälicen make safe, protect
fevriär February
fin end
find discovery, find
finden find
finen end
finic final
finlic finally
fir for; in order to
flact plain
flam flame
fol leaf
folgen follow
folgenãj following, entourage
folgent following, next
form form
fortin fortune, luck, destiny, chance
fosc dark
instance; occurrence; time, instance
fõr fire
fracas failure, fracas, mess
fracasen fail, mess up
frak fuck
fraken fuck
fridag Friday
frind friend
füs foot (body part, unit of measure)
gallon gallon
galt crazy, nuts
garden keep, tend, guard
geh G (letter)
gelb yellow
geld money
gen kind, sort, type
general general (military rank)
gerne please
gernen please to, like to
glor glory
googly googly (cricket)
gräd degree (unit of angle or temperature)
graf count (the noble title) (of whatever gender)
gram gram
grav serious, solemn, grave
gravlic seriously, solemnly
grazãj gratitude
graze thank you
grazen thank
gris grey, gray
gross big
grün green
grünplåx green (golf)
guer war
guerir warrior
gut good
haben have
häl whole
halt stop
halten stop
häm home
hælic holy
hef yeast
hefen heaven, paradise
heh H (letter)
helf help
helfen help
hero hero
herz heart (cards/symbol)
hiavend this evening
hidag today
himorgen this morning
hinder behind
hinoct tonight
hir here
horo hour
hünt shame
hüntic shameful, causing shame
hüntvol ashamed, filled with shame
i and
ia I (pronoun)
id it
Ð (letter)
if F (letter)
ignoren ignore
ih I (letter)
il L (letter)
ila that (demonstrative)
ilei that person
ilid that thing
ilum therefore
im M (letter)
imbolc Imbolc, Candlemass
imperic imperial
imperor emperor
impersjõnt empire
importen be significant, important; to matter
imprimãj published material; The Press
imprimen print, publish
in N (letter)
index index, list
intelligen understand, comprehend, grasp
ir R (letter)
is S (letter)
isqe (interrogative particle)
ista this (demonstrative)
istei this person
istid this thing
ix X (letter)
janviär January
jard yard (unit of length)
jeh J (letter)
jep yeah, yup
jin gin; distilled juniper liquor
job task, piece of work, job
jõnt country, nation-state
jul July
jun June
juniper juniper
just right, moral, fair
keh K (letter)
kemp fight
kempen fight
kennãj knowledge, awareness, familiarity
kennen know, be familiar with
kerl guy, fellow, bloke (colloquial)
kilogram kilogram
kilometer kilometer
kind child
klæn small
köfen buy
kønig king
kønigsjõnt kingdom
kraft ability, power
küss kiss
küssen kiss
kwanzaa Kwanzaa
labor physical work, effort, exertion
laboren physically work, labor
lager lager beer
lamasa Lughnasadh, Lammas
lang long
lassãj permission, latitude, slack
lassen leave alone and undisturbed; allow, permit
lät light
lato side, team; aspect of a concept or point of view
lect bed
lesen read
lex law, legal code
liben love
lig link, connection
ligen join, link, attach
limin limit, limitation, restriction
liminen limit, restrict
linx left (opposite of right)
liquor distilled alcoholic drink, liquor
liter liter
liþa Litha, Midsummer
löden praise
lõk like, thing liked
lõken like, like to
lud game
luden play
lun moon
lundag Monday
mäbon Mabon, autumnal equinox
machisto majesty
mädin girl
major major (military rank)
mal evil
malum evil
man hand
manden give an order, mandate, command, tell to
mar mere
marc border region
marcgraf margrave, marquis, marquess (of whatever gender)
marlic just, merely
märz March (month)
mater mother
maxima biggest
mäz but
May (month)
mæl mile
medic doctor, medic, physician
mem same
mens month
mensch fellow, guy, mensch
menþ peppermint, mint
mer sea
meter meter, unit of length
miaö cat
microjõnt micronation
miel honey
mielwän mead
militer private (military rank)
mille thousand
milliliter milliliter
millimeter millimeter
million million
minima smallest
ministãj ministry
ministen administer, manage, oversee
minister minister (political position)
minut minute, unit of time, short span of time
modo just now, right now
mogen be allowed to, may
molto much, many
mond world
mord death, dead
morden die
morgen morning
mortär mortar, binding material
music music
musical musical
muti mother, mom
no (interjection/ answer); neither; nor
nac not
nädel needle
nann now
nara black
nasch snack
naschen snack
nast beside, next to
ni no, not any
niava blue (poetic)
ninn never
nisi unless
nivei no one
nivid nothing
nivo nowhere
nobil noble person
nobilic noble
noct night
nom name
nomen name
nord north
notiãn notion, idea
nov new
novãj news
nõevry November
numer number
nuve nine
nuventy ninety
nuzän nineteen
o of (indicating possession or association)
ober over, above
obtenen obtain, take
öden hear
offençen offend, transgress, injure
offens offense, transgression, injury
öge eye
ögust August (month)
oh O (letter)
okä okay
ollà hello
onç ounce (unit of weight, force, or volume)
oncor again
optima best
optin option, alternative
oransch orange
orra gold (poetic)
orrecont tradition
ös outside, out, ago
os bone
ǒsducen perform, carry out, execute
osi also, too
össagen proclaim, set forth
osstän fossil
ost east
ostara Ostara, vernal equinox
øster Easter
ösvaden leave, depart
öt or, either/or
otovry October
ötuno autumn, fall season
over over (cricket)
pact pact, treaty, agreement, accord
pådd house
panhop suit of armor, protective gear
panhopen don armor, wear protective gear
parsqe because, because of
passãj happening, circumstance
passen happen, come to pass
pater father
peh P (letter)
pente sorry!
penten repent, apologise
per by means of, through
perden lose
perfect perfect
pers person
pesch badly
pessima worst
pint pint
piscop bishop
plä most
plan plan, scheme
planen plan
plåx place
plåxen put, place
ply more
polc inch
politic politics
politicist politician
pond pound (unit of weight or force)
pondren ponder, consider, weigh
ponen set, put
pont bridge
porfyr purple
porten wear
posch letter, mail
posseble possible
possen be able to, can
post after
põnt point; Spade (cards)
prag thing
präsident president
prendãj learning, education
prenden learn
pres almost
preter beyond
prima spring season
prob attempt, try, test
proben try, attempt, prove
profetãj prophecy, prediction
profeten prophecy, foretell
pugno fist
purpäd purple (poetic)
qe that (introduces noun clauses)
qeschen forgive
qetre four
qetrenty forty
qetzän fourteen
qinte five
qintenty fifty
qinzän fifteen
que than
quert quart
quh Q (letter)
quiren ask
quistiãn question
quiva any, whichever
quivann anytime, whenever
quivei anyone, whoever
quivi anyhow, in any way
quivid anything, whatsoever
quivo anywhere, whereever
rab drudgery, menial work, humdrum task
raben perform menial tasks or work, do drudgery
rang wrong, incorrect
re about, concerning
recontãj narrative, account
reconten tell
rekennen recognize
relatãj report, account
relaten report, give account of
renn run, jog
rennen run
rest rest, pause
resten stay, remain
revaden go back, return
riçiven receive
rigarden look at
ring ring, round hollow object
ringic annular, ring-shaped
ripar river
riquirãj requirement
riquiren require
risignen quit, give up
rivelen reveal, expose, uncover
rod red
röf shout
röfen shout, call
rol role, part, position
rönd round, circle, town square
rot root
rot root
rõc rock, stone (individual piece)
rum rum
sabbat Saturday
sagãj saying, adage
sagen say
sals sauce
salser saucer
salven save, rescue
salver rescuer; savior
sän be
satisch enough
savös except, except for
sawan Samhain
såx six
såxenty sixty
såxzän sixteen
sæt since
schac chess; check (in chess)
schacmat checkmate
schad shadow, shade
schaden shadow, shade
schanç chance, probability
scherchen search for, seek
schiden divide, split
schild shield
schilden shield, guard, protect
schiss shot
schissen shoot
schøp scoop, sample
schøpen draw from, scoop up, make use of
schox choice
schoxen choose
schud debt
schuden owe, be in debt to
schuder debtor
schwester sister
scriv writing system, script
scrivãj writing, text
scriven write
second second, unit of time, short span of time
secret secret
sed seat
seden sit
selb self (reflexive/emphatic pronoun)
semæn week
semblen look like, appear, resemble, seem
semen sow, plant
semper always
sen without
senator senator
Seniora Miss, Misses, Ms
Seniore Mister, Miss, Missus, Ms. (epicene)
Senioro Mister
sentãj emotion
senten feel, experience emotion
Septempontia Septempontia
septempontic Septempontian (adj.)
serjent sergeant
serven serve
setevry September
sex sex, sexual intercourse
si if
siben seven
sibenty seventy
sibzän seventeen
sidlen settle, indwell
signen signify, mean
signo meaning, significance
smølden smolder
sob under
soçitas society
soldir soldier
solic only
sollen ought to, should
somer summer
spät late
sper hope
speren hope
sqiru squirrel
stad city
stän stone (the substance)
standen stand
stänic stony, hard
stem voice
stich stitch
stichen stitch
strass street
su up
sud south
sur on, upon
suvenãj remembrance
suvenen remember
sveren swear, take an oath
tagen touch
tang tongue, language
tap head
tär tar
tass glass, tumbler
teh T (letter)
tempo time
tenen hold, keep possession of
tenenter lieutenant
tentãj temptation
tenten tempt
tequila tequila
tilde tilde
tirdag Tuesday
toleren tolerate
ton ton
torn tower
trag burden, load, haul
tragen carry
trager bearer
trem awe, astonishment
tremen awe, amaze, astonish
tremvol awesome, amazing, cool
Triparia Triparia
triparic Triparian (adj.)
trist sad
tro too (excessively)
troþ loyalty, dedication
troþic loyal
troþlic loyally, faithfully
tun do
turb mob, crowd
uh U (letter)
ultim last
umlöt umlaut, dieresis; diacritical mark of two superscript dots
uz use
uzãj use, usage
uzen use
uzic usual
uzlic usually
vaden go
välic safe
vann when
varum why
vas what
vasch cow
våxil flag
vec old
veh V (letter)
vei who
veis whose
velk which, whom (relative pronoun)
venen come
vengãj vengeance
vengen avenge
ventor winter
vera true, real
verãj truth
verlic truly, really
verser worse
vest garment, article of clothing
vestãj attire, outfit
vesten clothe, dress
veter whether
vi how, like, as
viden see
vidon bye
vidoncor good-bye
vila which one, what one
vincen win, be victorious
vir man
visgraf viscount (of whatever gender)
visi as if
viv life
vivaqua high-proof neutral spirits, grain alcohol
viven live
vo where
voc call, summons
vocen call
vodka vodka
vol will, desire, intention, wish
volk people, nation
von from
vord word
vorþ away, forth
you (plural)
vulchen circle about, as if waiting for something to die
wäg way, path
wägãj motion
wägen move
wälden wield
wän wine
warnãj warning
warnen warn
wärten wait
domin lord, lady
wæss white
weben weave
weh W (letter)
werden become
werfen throw
werk work, operation, complex task or occupation
werken work, operate, perform complicated task
wesch wish
weschen wish for, long for
west west
whisky whisky, whiskey
wicket wicket (cricket, croquet)
wik with (accompanying)
wonsdag Wednesday
xenic foreign
yär year
yeh Y (letter)
yul Yule, winter solstice
zäg show, demonstration
zägen show
zeh Z (letter)
zo thus, so
zon sun
zondag Sunday
zu to
zusta still
þeh Þ (letter)
þem topic; subject
þo though, although
þorsdag Thursday
academ university
adventen visit
aketz pin
amanuen serve as secretary
amanuist secretary
ambõ both
antvord answer
antvorden reply, answer
appuncten appoint
apten fit
arky reign, rule
arqu bow (archery)
artz art
atut trump (cards)
aura ear
bäb baby; babe
bäbpupa baby doll
bart beard
bild picture, illustration
bonus bonus; benefit
bracco arm (body part)
brau eyebrow
bucca cheek
camp field
capit article, heading; chapter; heading
capten catch
carta map
centric central
centro center
certamen contest, match
cerva neck
cesta waist
chambro room
chin chin
clara clear
clava bat (sport)
compten compute
compter computer
concíl council; committee
conect contiguous
connecten connect
consort consort
contagen contact
contemp current, contemporary
croma color
croscheten crochet
cudren sew
curia court
curren flow, course
däm wife
Dama Dame (address for a Dame)
damma damn!
dammen damn
darjilo Indian tea
daum thumb
diplom confidential letter, communique
diplomerie diplomacy, diplomatica
diplomist diplomat (broadly)
diverz different
dolche sweet
drifõl Club (cards)
eralden herald, announce
eralder herald, nuncio
eraldrie heraldry
esward award, decoration
eswarden award
exemplar example
fähik capable; talented; able
febessen improve
fediggen enlighten
fefähren force
fehalten raise
feharmen arm
fenster window
fepassen cause
ferne far
festarken harden
fetimer intimidate
finger finger
fitten fit
fläch plain; flatland
flecha arrow
førvord foreword, preamble
fotze cunt
froh happy
früca early
fund ground
fuss foot
gæo earth
gæographie geography
generic general
genus family
glid member
glob ball (sport, toy)
gluto butt; posterior, butt
grossnomen title
gubernen govern
hãbby husband
hailigir saint
halb half
har hair
haupt capital
hella hell
herre heir
historia history
host group
hõflik often
humer shoulder
ingua groin
instruen instruct, teach
interne internal
iota degree
junga young
kegelen bowl
kegeler bowler
kitzen tickle
kønigarky monarchy
kunst craft
kyden hide
lachen cut
lanol wool
legat link
legio army
lestat lesson
liber free
lipp lip
magna great
mäjordom prime minister, right hand
mamin tit
mamo breast
mana magic; energy, magical
mand mouth
mascha mace
maschen pound
mascher hammer
mæster master
media medium of communication
mensa mind
merde shit
merden shit
mustasch moustache
muten change
nass nose
nitzen knit
opfen open
opus work of art
orb orb, globe
ordo order
östragen carry out
östragenstanz contract
pajina page
pallo post; stump (cricket)
papyra paper
par part
parlen talk
part part
patel knee
pauci few
peck sin
pecken sin
pecto chest
performen perform, execute
photobild photograph
pisse piss
pissen piss
plåc card
plypra previous
policat policy
policen make policy, rule, judge
popa pope
povra poor
praitz price
printz prince
proponat proposal
proponen propose
provåns province
provisa forehead
provord foreword; preamble
punken poke, stab
punker dagger
pupa puppet; doll
purl purl (knitting)
quanto amount
räda wheel
raige row
regen rule
rombõ lozenge, Diamond (cards)
ruhik still; quiet; calm
sang blood
schatten shadow
schnell fast
schula school
scienta science
sclaven slave
secretär secretary
Ser Sir (address for a Knight)
serica silk
sericisch silken
seriz series
seschad balcony
slanch health
spar spear
speca special, particular
spinnen spin
stark hard
stæn stein; mug
sterqe feces
suffel breeze
sugen suck
sutur seam
sverða sword
swep dream
swepen dream
taist chair
tanist heir to a throne
terra Earth
tisch table
tissu fabric; cloth
torso torso
tribunalisto judge, justice
tribunat judgement
tribuner judge
übrig rest, remainder; remainder
valnomen title
valtaist throne
vi'st'id? howzat? (cricket)
vikator raider, Viking
viken raid
virtu strength
visa face
vordindex dictionary
webmæster webmaster
zotheca alcove
zrinken drink
zusamme together
zwaig stick
diggen slang for understand
Domanach Cabinet
frõnlävn slang for male genitalia
gõnk penis (slang)
tråmduf convenience store
stel star
hõdfõr napalm
hõd animal hide
päl skin
gam kid, child; word of endearment
enemy, foe
cæden kill
slaken beat, strike
erslaken pummel, beat to death
vampär vampire
manjen eat
class social class, stratum, refinement
equs horse
pajamas pajamas (plural noun)
wägent moving (participle); moving picture, movie
wäglet short film, short subject movie
izp. and so on, and so forth, et cetera
sterben starve, die for want of needs
borg town
juv youth
juvin young
Franç France
françic French
françan French person
Dõtschland Germany
dõtsch German
dõtschan German person
Belgia Belgium
belgic Belgian
belgian Belgian
Italia Italy
italic Italian
italian Italian
Espana Spain
espanic Spanish
espanan Spaniard
portugalic Portuguese
portugalan Portuguese
Anglia England
anglic English
anglian English person
scotic Scottish
scot Scot
Eire Ireland
eiric Irish
eiran Irish person
Cymry Wales
cymric Welsh
cymrian Welsh person
Britannia Britain
britannic British
britan Briton
Helvetia Switzerland
helvetic Swiss
helvetian Swiss person
Danmark Denmark
dänic Danish
dän Dane
Nederland Holland, the Netherlands
nederlandic Dutch
nederlandan Dutch person, Netherlander
canadic Canadian
basqic Basque
basqan Basque person
Suomia Finland
suomic Finnish
suomian Finn
Sverige Sweden
svensic Swedish
svensk Swede
Norge Norway
norgic Norwegian
norsk Norwegian person
Rossia Russia
rossic Russian
rossian Russian person
Ukraina Ukraine
ukrainic Ukrainian
ukrainan Ukrainian person
mexicic Mexican
mexican Mexican person
Brasil Brazil
brasilic Brazilian
brasilan Brazilian person
americanic American
american American person
canadan Canadian person
koreic Korean
korean Korean person
chinic Chinese
chinan Chinese person
japanic Japanese
japanan Japanese person
talossic Talossan
talossan Talossan person
corvinian Corvinian person
triparian Triparian person
septempontian Septempontian person
molossic Molossian
molossian Molossian person
fäst banquet, feast
cöfer box, coffer
bärc boat
elefant elephant
botiq shop, boutique
düf dive; slang for a cheap business establishment
düfen dive
suffen blow
census census
får beautiful
fasten fasten
ekk corner
fur animal, beast
communen communicate
communãj communication
lacren cry
obliven forget
anter former
poster latter
här gentleman
gar boy
hunker hunger
hunkervol hungry
bäschbol baseball
äroplän airplane
ervincen triumph, win big
ervincer champion
kip dump
loc hole
problem problem
vör punk, delinquent, ne'er-do-well
feden stink, smell badly
gir greed
miseren pity
misereble pitiful, miserable, poor
plastic plastic
quiply anymore
bånk bank
faba fava (type of bean)
bæn bean
bod bud (of an organism)
preçis precious, valuable
girden encircle, gird
girder belt
välgirder seatbelt, safety belt
svørð sword
foss waterfall
gull gold
ormar dragon
lõgen bathe, wash
dalar valley
gos gas
fõrgos fumes, smoke, airborne ash
brõt road, highway
isar ice
vulcan volcano
fyørð fjord
vic bay, inlet
høven harbor, haven
gäsen gush
gäser gusher, geyser
stroken stir, churn
kirk church
lonið lagoon
vell field
dronig consort of a monarch
port port, site for shipping
vald forest
silva grove, stand of trees
strand beach, sandy shore
prinz prince(ss) (child of a king or princeps)
prinzip prince(ss) (when that title is held in oneself)
sponse spouse
gödy joy, happiness
engöden enjoy
gernãj pleasure
honor honor, respect
honoren to honor
honoreble honorable
clar clear
claren clarify
ösclaren clear out, clean out
anclaren clear up, make clear, make plain
erclaren purify
cominjõnt commonwealth
noten notice, observe
rect correct, right
tapstad capital city
blazon coat of arms, or the description thereof (blazon)
gang tunnel
delv mine, excavation
herold herald
admînister administer
admînisteur administrator, minister
admînistànz ministry
ano up
áscheter buy
attender wait
básileu prince
bumastik completely drunk, hammered
burgastô vodka (from "burgonya" potato)
cilaiþ today
cinoið tonight
createur creator
den do
les the (plural)
dixeur speaker
drieg war
fêslancer heal, make healthy
fêslanceur healer, doctor
gravlik solemnly, gravely, sincerely
flasten get drunk
flastô liqueur, schnapps
før before
førvord foreword, preamble
things, stuff
jereur yes-man
kato down
laiþ day
Magyarik Hungarian
menthaflastô peppermint schnapps
Pengwínea Penguinea
Pengwinik Penguinean
poliçeurnach political party
prótegeur protector
qu may (marks the subjunctive)
rhiàlt article, chapter
ruäd crimson
schåft slang term for someone who solves problems in a "badass" way; loosely a hero
Suomi Finland
Suomik Finnish
tribunal court
ven whom
volkvio tradition (tradition) (tradition!)
wilen will; auxiliary for future verbs